ScrunchBot on Slack
Scrunch now has its very own Slackbot, which means you have just found the worlds easiest way to search for influencers! So you’re sure you’re always finding the right influencers for your campaign, its backed up by our data-driven influencer platform!
So… what is a Slack bot?
A Slack bot is a special type of integration you can add to your Slack team. When you sign up for Slack, you’ll get one Slack bot (funnily enough, called “Slackbot”) on your team who helps you get started. There are lots of other Slack bots you can install from Slack’s App Directory.
Slack bots act like a person on your Slack team - you can talk to Slack bots, they can join channels, and they can send people messages - except you’re talking to a computer program rather than a real person.
The team at scrunch have been working on a Slackbot of our own and we are super excited to announce the launch of Scrunchbot today!
And what is a Scrunchbot?
A Scrunchbot is a particularly well-dressed bot that helps you discover influencers by answering 3 key questions, right in your slack chat.
When you’re searching for influencers a quick and easy way to refine the infinite pool on the internet is by understanding their topic, location and follower range. These 3 data points tend to align with a marketing initiative as well and is a great starting point for a campaign.
When you initiate Scrunchbot, it will firstly introduce itself (coz’ it’s polite AF) and clue you in on how to interact with it. The first question Scrunchbot will ask you is what topic your influencers should talk about and gives you a selection of 12 topics to choose from. Secondly, it will ask you what location they should be in, and give you 15 locations to choose from. Finally, it will ask you whether you want micro, macro or power influencers. Et Voila! Scrunchbot will return 5 results that fit this profile. At this point, you can toast your brilliance OR click through to see their full profiles in the Scrunch platform.
We’d love to get your feedback on Scrunchbot (don’t worry, you can’t hurt its feelings, it’s a bot), so feel free to get in touch with us and let us know what you think or what you’d like to see next!