What is Influencer Marketing?

Working with the right influencers can have a multitude of positive effects on your brands business

Let’s take a step back, What or Who is an Influencer? An influencer is someone who has an audience’s attention. People listen when they speak, tweet or blog. They can influence their audience to buy the products and services they recommend.

Influencer Marketing then, is when a brand engages said Influencer to promote their product to their audience with the intention of growing awareness or making more sales.

Sounds simple enough, right?

And it is. The challenge for a brand today is that there are millions of bloggers, celebrities and social media stars to choose from, all claiming to have a high level of influence over their audiences and ready to charge for the privilege of accessing them.

So what’s in it for you?

Brands have much to gain by engaging in Influencer Marketing. Working with the right influencers can have a multitude of positive effects on your brands business, such as:

Improved SEO Ranking

When an influencer writes a blog post about your brand, they are linking to your website. Google sees this as a positive thing, and increases your ranking as a result.

Increased Product Sales

The holy grail of influencer marketing is that it will actually have an impact on something that is going to keep your business alive. That being product sales. When you work with the right influencer, whose audience resonates with your brand, magic can happen.

Online Engagement

Anyone who has dabbled in their own company’s social media knows that the key is engagement. Connecting with your customers, creating interesting content and having other social media account post about you - bingo, an influencer ticks all three boxes.

Improved Brand Awareness

Not all consumers are in ‘purchase-mode’ when they are scrolling through their Instagram feed or reading their favourite blog. However, being top of mind for when they are is important.

So how do you get started?

The key to making a good first-step in Influencer Marketing is finding the right Influencers to work with. Rather than making you trawl the internet, request hundreds of media kits and tally up social media followers…. we’ve done all of the heavy lifting for you already.

If you are ready to get started, sign up now


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Your Go-To Guide For Working With Power Influencers