What is an Expert Influencer?
Expert Influencers are exactly what you think they are. Experts.
And they are experts first, not Influencers first.
They could be
A doctor, like @doctor.mike
A nutritionist, like @drjoannamcmillan
A therapist, like @drjennhardy
A business owner, like @danielllewis.io (our founder!)
An athlete, like @cbuchanan68
A vet, like @drkateadams
Anyone who has either studied or worked their way up in their career to be knowledgeable on one particular subject.
Expert Influencers lend not only their follower base, but also their credibility to a brand. Some experts don’t have quite as many followers as you might like, so we always recommend boosting the reach of their content through the paid partnership tag and paid media spend.
However, they are usually more discerning about the brands they work with so depending on the type of product you have you may have to spend some time educating the expert on why yours is worth their endorsement.
They also tend not to charge like a typical influencer, so even though they might not have many followers, they might be more expensive as you are really purchasing their time, experience and credibility. Almost think of it as paying a consultant, rather than an influencer.
In our experience, it’s also far more common to engage experts in a longer term capacity. Influencing isn’t their core business, so they approach agreements with a partnership in mind.
So how should you work with experts?
As Expert Influencers tend to be more ‘Professionals’ than ‘Influencers’, the possibilities are really endless.
Consider asking your Expert Influencer to:
Speak at a conference
Write a guest blog post
Explain a technical subject in a video
Appear on a webinar
Provide quotes for your media/PR
Add Experts to your stable of Influencers and watch your brand’s credibility grow!