Alejandra Fronseca

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Alejandra Fronseca is a mutli-award winning blogger and shares her journey as a blogger, social media Influencer and marketer over the last 15+ years.

Alejandra Fonseca is an Interior Designer/Biomedicine PHD, that fell in love with Marketing and Business. Created a simple blog 15 years ago than is a 250K website where writers can use it as a hub to launch their careers. Alejandra writes about Entrepreneurship while travelling, and providing the opportunity to freelancer copywriters and start up brands to use her platform to have visibility online.

Find Alejandra here:




Danielle (Scrunch) (00:10):

Welcome, Allie to the Scrunch Creator Economy Show. How are you?

Alejandra Fronseca (00:16):

I'm fine. I'm finding you.

Danielle (Scrunch) (00:18):

I'm so good. Thank you so much for joining us here on the show. I'm so excited to tell your story. So yeah, I obviously reached out and I saw your blog and I was so interested to Yeah. Share the story with the Scrunch community. And so I know you've got Alejandra's Life is your blog, but I'd love to know how you got started. So how did everything take place? How did you become a creator?

Alejandra Fronseca (00:48):

Well, this been quite a journey, so since 2009, to be honest. So 13 years, 14 years after, here I am Alejandro's life started to be a normal blog from Blogger back then. Yeah. and it was, I was going through darker period in my life. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So one of the things that I used to, it was right. So I love that. Yeah. Even if I come from architecture, then PhD in my medicine, writing is actually writing and marketing right now. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> is my passion. So basically I used that. I started to write about art music. Then I moved around. I started to meet new people, started to, because back then blogging, everyone wrote a blog and the, the world of influencer wasn't so known. The words wasn't known back then. Mm-Hmm.

Danielle (Scrunch) (01:52):


Alejandra Fronseca (01:53):

It was

Danielle (Scrunch) (01:53):

Blog, it was bloggers back there. You are one of the originals. I love it. <Laugh>.

Alejandra Fronseca (01:58):

Exactly. Even the YouTube I had, back then, I had new YouTube because I was in the uk so it was quite a journey. And I was part of the originals in the YouTube. I had 16 K back now, but back then, we didn't actually use that. At least not for me, because I had a a daytime job and my account was stolen and they erased everything. So I just, oh my God. I just decided, oh no, this is too much. I'm not going to make, you know, those kind of demoting things that you do. Yeah. But suddenly I was just meeting with a lot of people in London and they were telling me, no, of course not. You need to try again because you had quite some things. So Alejandro's life started back then. Wow. and in 2012, 2013 was actually the boom of it. Mm. right now, Alejandro's life has a minimum of three, 300 K of people watching per month. Wow.

Danielle (Scrunch) (03:05):

Wow. That's incredible.

Alejandra Fronseca (03:08):

Yeah. So it's, it's, I changed a bit about the niche that I, that I work. Of course. And I do write about business marketing design because it's my area health because it's also my area. Mm-Hmm. and I do work in lifestyle, you know, fashion, beauty and skincare. I am from another generation. I don't have 20 years old. So I do know what people from my age want to look and, you know, tips that actually people can follow.

Danielle (Scrunch) (03:41):


Alejandra Fronseca (03:42):

And besides of that, Alejandro's Live is actually a hub. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> where I do have a couple of people that write and they need a platform such as once I need It Before. So I do accept a couple of guest posts mm-hmm. <Affirmative> and I started to create a little team and here we're <laugh> posting Daily. That's so

Danielle (Scrunch) (04:06):

Cool. I love that. And that's it. There is so much content there. That's what blows my mind. There are so many. I was looking through and I was like, oh my gosh, this is like multiple blog articles every day. This is crazy.

Alejandra Fronseca (04:18):

Yeah. Yeah. So that brings that, that that is one of the things that people before said, oh no, I just going to post one week. Mm. And I started to post this back then. Like, no one a week doesn't, well, it brings me people, but it doesn't bring me so much in our sun. As soon as I started to send like 2, 3, 4 posts between mine and the guest post the team network with and started to grow up. So yeah.

Danielle (Scrunch) (04:51):

Wow. That is, it's really, really awesome because, you know, I, I love that it's a blog for starters. I mean, when we talk about creators, everyone talks about Instagram. Right. You know, or now it's, you've gotta be a TikTok star <laugh>. But I actually lo I actually love that you are, you know, you know, still using the blog as a medium because I'm actually, I actually really think that influencers and creators now should all have a blog. They should all have a website because, you know, everyone complains about the Instagram algorithm changing all the time. But if you have this home base where you can start to generate an email list, you can have, you know like longer form blog content that the Google search algorithm loves, then I think you have, you know, a better chance to grow.

Alejandra Fronseca (05:39):

Exactly. Exactly. I do work in, I'm a marketing manager for an American company mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. And one of the things that I brought when I started to this company is like, let's use ambassadors for example. Yes. Yep. And I just research it and people from the niche of the company. And one of the things that I always said to my team is like, if we're going to find someone, let's find someone with a platform, with a blog, not only having their Instagram or TikTok or whatever social media platform, but a written platform. Yes. Because that will stay. That will stay. And the fact is that they are, they are major contributing Contribu, <laugh>, contribu. They're contributing to, to the company. And actually it, it's, it's worth, so if you have a blog and you have so much more to offer and so much more to grow if you have a, a written platform because you know, there are companies that will reach you out. Like, we want a guest post. We want to mm-hmm. <Affirmative> contribute to your, to your blog and you will grow. You will get, you know, brand awareness.

Danielle (Scrunch) (07:03):

So, absolutely. Yeah. And I think that that's such a great strategy. And it's so interesting cuz you are on both sides. So you are the marketing manager, you're the marketing side, but you're also the creator side with your own blog and your own platform. So I love that you can actually bring both perspectives to a brand because I totally agree with you as marketing managers working with ambassadors or creators, finding people that can Yeah. Create something that's gonna last like an Instagram post. You see it and it's gone within a couple of days, but a blog article lives forever.

Alejandra Fronseca (07:40):

Exactly. Exactly. And if we're going to talk about technicalities, it will bring you traffic, it will bring you brand awareness, it will bring you people, it will go, it'll bring you clients. Yes. So

Danielle (Scrunch) (07:56):

Links, links back to your links. Links, yes. Links. Oh,

Alejandra Fronseca (08:00):

Love that. All the way. Yes. <laugh>.

Danielle (Scrunch) (08:03):

Oh that's so smart. I really, really love it. So talk to me about the cuz you mentioned you've got like a hub of writers for your own, of, for your own blog and your own platform. What's it been like working with other people and, and bringing them into the platform? Like how have you managed that?

Alejandra Fronseca (08:22):

Basically people reach out to me mm-hmm. <Affirmative> asking, listen, I do have a couple of ideas for your blog. There are from your niche, you can choose from this post. And and I'll write for you. Of course, I c unfortunately, I cannot accept everyone of course. Yes. because I do write my own content. Mm-Hmm. and I don't want, there is also a thing we can release 2, 3, 4 posts per day, but if you, if you send more, it will become a scam. So Google will Exactly. And tackle as a swimmer. Mm. so the, the fact is that from those people that have, that are working with me now, they're, they have worked with me now mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, I created a little friendship. You know, they know what I like to post. They have a couple of guidelines that are on the written content. They're happy because I'm helping them and they're helping me because that is true honesty. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And there the, that's kind of a hub creates like what I call, and sometimes you can see on the blog post, it belongs to Alejandro's family teams. Mm. so people come and go, which is none of course they change or sometimes they, they stop writing, but we always connected on social media and we, we create a little team and a little family. So it's quite nice. It's

Danielle (Scrunch) (09:52):

Quite nice. I love that. And it's such a great idea because it allows you to put out more content but get help to do it as well.

Alejandra Fronseca (10:00):

Exactly. Exactly. Sometimes there are days that, you know, we don't have time or we are too tired and these people are working for them and they are helping us. So Yeah, of course. Always a big thank you for them.

Danielle (Scrunch) (10:12):

That's so cool. I think about that. I'm like, you know, some days the ideas just don't come to me for a blog article. <Laugh> <laugh>. Oh, that's so awesome. No, I'm I love that. So do you do much in the social media space or do you focus mostly on the blog?

Alejandra Fronseca (10:30):

I do on social media plays, but there is a thing I do focus more on the block, of course. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, let's be honest, it's what brings this money. Yeah. my social media's divided <laugh>.

Danielle (Scrunch) (10:42):


Alejandra Fronseca (10:42):

Cool. Yeah. Which one of them is divided? There are the Instagram, I have two Instagram accounts. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> one more professional and the other one is more influencer. Yeah. I have bunch of companies from the uk, the US and Australia and France, and works with me for that specific account. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, there are other companies for Twitter, other companies for traveling on my YouTube, which is basically travel. Yeah. and my social media are different platforms on their own. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So normally it's people tend to think, no, because she only does this. But no, if you go to my Twitter is more like my LinkedIn, it's more professional, more business oriented, more marketing oriented mm-hmm. <Affirmative> travel. So it's, it's different platforms for different niches. Yeah. Because I do have several niches mm-hmm. <Affirmative> just like our brain, normally they tell you that our brain is, you use 10% of our brain. Yeah. And I'm completely against that <laugh>. Why shouldn't you use more?

Danielle (Scrunch) (11:51):

Yeah. I love that. <Laugh>,

Alejandra Fronseca (11:54):

<Laugh>, similar to focusing on one niche mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, you, you like several things. So why don't you pick up like a couple of them in my case? Yes. They're five to six and talk about that because, you know, we are humans. We don't think about one thing daily. So that's why it's, it it is divided.

Danielle (Scrunch) (12:14):

Yeah. No, that's super interesting. I love it. And I love two things that you said firstly that like, firstly like have multiple passions, write about multiple things, you know, don't just, you know, hone in on one thing. But I also love how you said the blog is actually the strongest part. You know, the blog is actually the biggest part, which is, you know, so different. Like a lot of creators go, oh, well I have to be on Instagram first, that's gotta be my focus. Or I have to be on TikTok. I actually love that the blog is the focus because I think that there is a real untapped opportunity. I think, you know, 10 years ago we were all bloggers and then fast forward today everyone's an instagramer. So I actually feel like there's a, a, a new opportunity for blogs again, which is so exciting.

Alejandra Fronseca (13:00):

And, and one of the positive things that brought us the pandemic is that people actually staying at home while working mm-hmm. From remote working is normal for decades by now. But actually people started to read more. Yeah. And they started, I noticed that in these past two years normally I would have like between 50 K, 200 k, which was good. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> now in these two years I just grew up a lot. Wow. So people are, are writing more, are reading more, are commenting more. Mm. and the other thing that this pandemic brought is like the mental health awareness. Mm. People were so stressed out, so, so stressed out to post, daily to post. I'm, I'm speaking about myself as well. Mm-Hmm. Mm-hmm. That actually you just stress so much because you were lacking information. You were lacking time while feeling sick. Mm-Hmm. brands weren't working with you because they weren't working at all. Yeah. so I decided, you know what, you don't need to, even if you need to constantly and be constant on social media Yeah. You need to post about new things. Yeah. and another rule, which is a rule set on myself, is like posting positive things.

Danielle (Scrunch) (14:29):

Yes. I love that. Yep.

Alejandra Fronseca (14:31):

Posting positive things. Just be positive. Just smile. Just, you know, share tips because keeping tips to yourself is not good. People need to know about this things. So a bit positive. That's when we do,

Danielle (Scrunch) (14:46):

I think you're so right. Like people, you know, obviously there was this whole period of time where we were all stuck at home. So we all consumed so much more content and I love that thought that yes, it moved to longer form blog and video content. But also you're so right. Like the opportunity now is if you share the things that you know, so the tips, the tricks and Yes. Make them positive, make them uplifting. We all need that in our life. You know, that's where I think a huge opportunity is for even new creators coming through. I think there's actually room for new people to, to start in this biz <laugh>.

Alejandra Fronseca (15:23):

Of course there's always people to start there. There was one person that asked me, this was I think back in 2016. Mm. we were in an event in London and basically she asked me because I was talking to her and suddenly I was giving her her tips and she was like, hold on, but aren't you afraid of me? She told me this of me being your, you know, your nemesis on this because we're on the same, on the same page. Where are both bloggers? And I told her and I was like, you know, because I don't think that way. Mm-Hmm. It's not rooted in me. And I was like, very, very naively, what are you talking about? Not because I can pick this and I can share them as my own. And I told her, please do. Because I don't see myself or in anything that I do like, and that is one of the things that I teach my son. Mm. It's like I don't have nemesis. I don't, if I share, I share with an open heart. It's not Yeah. I don't have people against them. There's, that's not how I think it's not a positive way of watching live or people. And that is something that people need to understand that there is all, there is, there will always be open spaces for new people, for munichs, for, you know, there is room for everyone. Mm-Hmm. So why not share?

Danielle (Scrunch) (16:58):

It's so true. And when you think about how many people there are on the planet and how much content we're consuming, you know, one person isn't gonna own everything and own all the ideas and all of the markets and all of the platforms like you are so Right. There is room for everybody to flourish.

Alejandra Fronseca (17:16):

Of course, of course. And it would, it wouldn't, we need to break that in, in world, you know? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So just be happy because happy spreads. Yes. Similar to the other way, but happy happiness spreads and even if, because it can happen and it did happen to me, even if you share and people will grab that and use that. Mm-Hmm. And they will never speak to you never feel sad or never felt like, oh, I shouldn't have done that, or I shouldn't No. Be happy for that person. Because in some, in some moment, in any moment, that person, even after years, you will come to you and say, you know what, thank you very much and this happened to me. Mm. And I told her, I have been following you and I'm very happy about you in your career. So glad that I could be of some little help for that. So.

Danielle (Scrunch) (18:16):

Well you, you were essentially with the inspiration for that person or for many people I'm sure <laugh>

Alejandra Fronseca (18:24):

Hopefully a good one. So

Danielle (Scrunch) (18:26):

Yeah. Well,

Alejandra Fronseca (18:26):

I mean, have some inspiration.

Danielle (Scrunch) (18:28):

I think it's such a great way to look at it. You know, how, how about we look at inspiring other people rather than competing with other people?

Alejandra Fronseca (18:37):

It's such

Danielle (Scrunch) (18:38):


Alejandra Fronseca (18:38):

I think that, yeah. And being, being humble. Cause 20 years ago it would be in imaginable for us to having, posting a picture and being paid for it or Yeah. Having to do a podcast, for example, and speaking with someone from the other side of the world. Mm. And it's, it's an amazing times that we have been living this past decades. The amount of growth that, that we can have because of the new tool that we have been given.

Danielle (Scrunch) (19:10):

Mm-Hmm. It's so true. Do you have any advice for creators who might be just starting out if they're looking at, you know, someone like you and thinking, oh my God, she has hundreds of thousands of views. How will I ever, how I ever make it? And do you have any advice to people who are just starting out?

Alejandra Fronseca (19:29):

Yeah, of course. Just be you. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> don't try to be anyone else. Mm-Hmm. You can have your gurus, you can have the people that you like to follow. If you, if you follow someone, or if you try to copy or try to use their picture or imagining makeup, you try to recreate, tag that creator. They will love that. They won't feel against you. They will share about you because that is how we create links on bogging, how we create links, groups of friends online. And that it's just, but just be you. Like if you have something in you that you want to send it, even if you know that it's a thousand more people, a billion more people doing the same as you, just be you be happy on that. Be happy what you are doing. Because if you are doing something that makes you happy, it's not the job at all. So you will feel like it's part of you. Mm-Hmm. So if you're making something that is not making you happy, then it's not for you. Yeah. So just try to find your online and just be you basically.

Danielle (Scrunch) (20:51):

I love, it's the, that is literally the best advice ever because I think that, you know, in the content creator world, you know, you do have to show up every day. You know, you do have to invest time and energy, and if you don't love it and you're not being yourself, then that makes it super hard to get up every day and super and do it

Alejandra Fronseca (21:12):

Super hard, super hard. And sometimes we don't have time or sometimes the ideas aren't quite there. Mm. And you're stressed and then it becomes, you don't sleep, <laugh>, you don't eat. Yes. So you just, you just can't really thinking about that. And that shouldn't be like that. You should be doing what you love.

Danielle (Scrunch) (21:31):

I love it. So

Alejandra Fronseca (21:32):


Danielle (Scrunch) (21:33):

That's so good. That is the best advice. That's just great life advice, I think. <Laugh> <laugh>. And so what

Alejandra Fronseca (21:39):

Do you think that,

Danielle (Scrunch) (21:40):

Yes. So what do you think is next for creators and influencers in the world? What do you think that we should be looking to the future for?

Alejandra Fronseca (21:51):

My bet is that because we are living this past two years, everything will start to be about meeting people outside.

Danielle (Scrunch) (22:03):


Alejandra Fronseca (22:03):

I think that people will start to travel more to meet people that you have met online to try and go to events, conferences. And I'm watching that. I'm, I'm seeing that because I just agreed to go to a couple of conferences at meetings. And it's actually, people are happy about that. Oh, I happen to see people and they are also like, sending messages. Oh, it's going to be so nice to see you finally after these two years, or I'm going to finally meet you. You don't know. You don't know me, but I have been following you. Mm-Hmm. And I'm going to be there as well. And normally you look at that and see who is this talk now <laugh>. But people are happy about that. Yes, of course. With, with all the, with all the, the security that you need. Mm-Hmm. But people are going to start to go more outside. Mm-Hmm. and I do know that a couple of YouTubers they are going for, for events on YouTube itself and different countries. Mm-Hmm. I couldn't be there, but I know it was fun, <laugh>, but for example, TikTok or TikTok is, is planning a couple of events online in real life, you know, outside Yeah. With the sun, with people, and it'll be fun. So I think that people will start filming, sharing, writing more in the outside because people appreciate that. People give value to that now.

Danielle (Scrunch) (23:35):

Mm. I think you're spot on. I mean, I know myself like just, you know, the craving is I've gotta get out into the sunshine, gotta get out into the fresh air. You know, it's, it's, you know, as a creator and a business owner, it's so easy just to, you know, stay inside at your laptop, you know, on your phone doing all the things. So I love the idea of, you know, getting back into events and getting back outside and, and sharing that content with everyone. I think that's, yeah. I think you're spot up

Alejandra Fronseca (24:04):

And we all love a little bit of sunshine. So nice.

Danielle (Scrunch) (24:08):

<Laugh>. So good. Just

Alejandra Fronseca (24:10):

Close the, the laptop and just go, just breathe.

Danielle (Scrunch) (24:13):

<Laugh>, this is, this podcast episode has been like, amazing pieces of life advice, not just for creators. <Laugh>. Oh, so good. Well, Allie, thank you so much for joining us here on the Scrunch Creator Economy Show. You are incredible and an absolute inspiration. You've inspired me to go and write a blog article now. So thank you <laugh>, and thank you for

Alejandra Fronseca (24:38):

Sharing. I can help you <laugh>,

Danielle (Scrunch) (24:40):

<Laugh> and thank you for sharing your wisdom with the Scrunch community. It's been amazing.

Alejandra Fronseca (24:45):

Thank you very much, Daniel. It was a pleasure and hopefully to, to see more podcast.


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