Influencers doing things differently in 2022

As Influencers rise in popularity as an important marketing channel for brands, they are also becoming more and more savvy as they realise they are actually business owners.

This new development and creativity amongst the Influencer community opens up new opportunities for brands to collaborate in a more integrated and authentic way.

Here are 5 ways Influencers are doing things differently on a global stage in 2022.

1. Releasing their own digital and physical products

@misskatiestevens not only has her business @minding_her_business which runs women’s empowerment events plus their own unique line of journals. But also launched @sprayd.australia a 24/7 contactless spray tanning studio, all bookable via a mobile app.

2. Going multi-channel - launching podcasts, video channels and events

@alisha and @missremiashton collaborating on the @prettybasicofficial podcast and live show.

3. Taking internal consulting roles at brands

@mollymae was appointed Creative Director at @prettylittlething - the brand citing “Molly is the PLT customer,” a spokeswoman for PrettyLittleThing told Drapers. "She is a great fit to join our team to work on our 2022 strategy, and we’re excited to have her input in terms of creative campaigns, signing new brand ambassadors and working on her own collections over the next 12 months."

4. Being cast in TV and streaming specials

@celestebarber has been cast to headline Australian Drama series ‘Wellmania’ by @netflix.

5. Launching their own educational courses

@samanthawills launched The Art of Brand Building Course through her @samanthawillsinstitute venture. A 17 part program that teaches the art of brand building for creative entrepreneurs.


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